Third Party Risk Management - Consultancy, Assessment & Advisory

BitSight Security Ratings

Make faster, more strategic cyber risk management decisions with the resources you have today.

The Problem

The expansion of the extended enterprise has reached a tipping point, fueled by cloud-based technology and outsourcing. In parallel, third-party data breaches are at an all-time high. There is a growing awareness that third-party cyber risk must be managed.

Gartner estimates that by 2020, 75% of Fortune Global 500 companies will treat vendor risk management as a Board-level initiative to mitigate brand and reputation risk.

Current approaches to managing third-party cyber risk  are helpful but only provide a brief snapshot. To proactively mitigate risk, organisations need automated tools that continuously measure and monitor the security performance of vendors.

The Solution

BitSight for Third-Party Risk Management immediately exposes cyber risk within your supply chain, helping focus your resources, and work alongside you and your vendors to achieve significant and measurable cyber risk reduction.

BitSight gives you insight into the riskiest issues impacting your vendors, backed by data that correlates to potential security incidents and context from the most engaged community of risk and security professionals.

With BitSight, you can quickly launch, grow, or optimise a third-party risk management program with the resources you have today.

BitSight Delivers Proven Business Value

  • Visibility

See where the cyber risk is to avoid “blind spots” across your vendors and vendor lifecycle to align with your organisation’s cyber risk tolerance.

  • Prioritisation

Target your resources at the vendors who have the highest level of cyber risk.

  • Speed

Make cyber risk decisions at the speed of the business using objective, verifiable data to significantly reduce the time it takes to complete assessments.

  • Collaboration

Team up with your vendors and BitSight to quickly and collectively reduce cyber risk by sharing BitSight Security Ratings with critical third parties.

  • Uncover Single Points of Failure

BitSight pinpoints connections to any service provider, enabling teams to understand the number of critical vendors in their supply chain that depend on a common set of service providers.

  • Quickly Identify Fourth Party Connections

Instantly see the service providers used by any company, enabling your business to make more informed partnership decisions around the security posture of these providers and their connected domains.

  • Leverage Dynamic Filters

Search by type of cloud service provider and uncover which of your business partners use each service, or select key partners and find the service providers they use.

  • Continuously Monitor Changes

As your vendor ecosystem changes, BitSight identifies new connections to service providers. Actively monitoring these connections empowers teams to manage new risks and stay ahead of emerging threats stemming from service providers with weak security programs.

Gain insight into your fourth-parties and extended enterprise

With BitSight teams can instantly see the service providers (e.g. Cloud Delivery Networks, Email Services, Domain Name Servers, etc.) used by any of their critical third parties.

Given the evolution of today’s risk landscape, insight into these types of fourth party connections is becoming important, but organisations may not be doing enough to mitigate the risk.

CIOs, CISOs, VPs, and senior managers use BitSight to assess the security posture of fourth party service providers and gain an additional view of potential single points of failure in their supply chain.

As a Managed Service Partner (MSP) of BitSight technologies, DVV Solutions are able to seamlessly incorporate Cyber Security ratings into your Third-Party risk management program – from initial scoring and ranking of potential third-parties through to continuous monitoring and ongoing risk assessment.

How effective is your third-party risk management program?

BitSight immediately exposes cyber risk within your supply chain, helping focus your resources, and work alongside you and your vendors to achieve significant and measurable cyber risk reduction.

Explore the capabilities of BitSight for TPRM with a free, personalised vendor risk assessment. This customised report includes:

> An objective look at your vendors’ cybersecurity performance
> A list of your vendors organised by cyber risk
> The top vulnerabilities and security issues present among your third parties
> An understanding of how security ratings work and how they can be applied to your third-party risk management program

Submit our contact form to request a vendor risk assessment report and learn about the security posture of your third parties.

Call today 0161 476 8700

or Submit a Contact Form

Why choose us?

We are specialists in Third Party Risk Management with over 20 years of experience in Cyber Security and Governance, Risk & Compliance and a dedicated team of experienced IT Security Assurance Consultants.
We are a vendor agnostic, managed service provider that is able to focus on delivering a TPRM program built around your specific risk-based, organisational and regulatory requirements.
We are a Shared Assessments Program member and recognised Assessment Firm with certified IT Security Assurance Consultants able to deliver a comprehensive service based on industry standards and best practice.