Third Party Risk Management - Consultancy, Assessment & Advisory

Continuous Monitoring & Threat Intelligence

Continuous monitoring, risk rating and threat intelligence

Risk Never Sleeps

It’s critical to understand your suppliers’ security controls via periodic assessments, but you also need a continuous, holistic view of potential risks and insight into your suppliers’ investments in security products.

Continuous Monitoring is a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering that enables organisations to continuously monitor key relationship risk areas, including:

  • Data Risk
  • Operational Risk
  • Financial Risk
  • Brand Risk, and
  • Regulatory Risk

Continuous Monitoring fills the gap in supplier risk management  between assessments.

Has the supplier suffered a data breach? Legal action? Fraud investigation? A hijacking of its brand for a phishing attack? Inexplicable credit risk score trend decline? These and many more potential risk events are surfaced, scored, and delivered to users via email notifications continuously, meaning you’re never in the dark about your suppliers.

Why Customers choose Continuous Monitoring

  • Continuous monitoring  – track a supplier’s risk profile during a contract life cycle.  Did they get breached?  Did they let go of the people handling your data?
  • Risk intelligence – identify trends in risk and proactively adapt the level of Risk Assessment across your estate
  • Validation – check and address a supplier’s risk to your organisation before on-boarding
  • New Supplier Screening – reduce the pool of viable suppliers during an RFI/RFP process to those with the least risk to the business
  • Integration – developing a broader understanding of Third Party risk and supplier threat data into the overall GRC process

Instant alerts and feedback

Continuous Monitoring will notify the Risk Manager associated with Third Party supplier to determine whether the risk poses an actual threat to the organisation.  Data types that are part of this analysis include external data breach notifications, IP reputation data, malware for known domains, financial analysis, phishing attacks, regulatory issues and other publicly available information.

As part of a mature Third Party risk management program you can integrate the risk intelligence provided by Continuous Monitoring with more traditional remote and onsite risk assurance programs to monitor for risk domains identified by assessments and monitor critical and high-value suppliers between periodic assessments.

In addition, “Snapshot” licences offer an  additional value to perform one-off reviews of existing or potential suppliers and can be used to support the procurement/RFI/RFQ process in assessing and screening new suppliers.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Real-time risk information about your Third and Fourth Party relationships
  • Instant alerts and feedback sent to your desk
    Efficiently meet regulatory requirements for supplier monitoring
  • Monitor technical, operational, data, regulatory and financial risks over time
  • Identify potential risks before they become legal liabilities
  • Continuously manage your Third Party risks to compliment periodic assessments
  • Receive notification of potential data breaches without being dependent on your Third Parties
  • Screen potential new suppliers during an RFI/RFP process to reduce the pool to those with the least risk to the business
  • Integration with risk assessment automation for comprehensive Third Party Risk Management
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Why choose us?

We are specialists in Third Party Risk Management with over 20 years of experience in Cyber Security and Governance, Risk & Compliance and a dedicated team of experienced IT Security Assurance Consultants.
We are a vendor agnostic, managed service provider that is able to focus on delivering a TPRM program built around your specific risk-based, organisational and regulatory requirements.
We are a Shared Assessments Program member and recognised Assessment Firm with certified IT Security Assurance Consultants able to deliver a comprehensive service based on industry standards and best practice.