Third Party Risk Management - Consultancy, Assessment & Advisory

Third-Party Risk Assessment Automation

Streamlining the Supplier Risk Assessment process with Effective Workflow Automation

You have hundreds – maybe thousands – of Third Party suppliers, and some of them have custody of your sensitive data. Some may even have access to your network. For those suppliers, their security weaknesses are your weaknesses. Do you know how they are protecting YOUR data?

DVV Solutions can find and build you the right Third Party Risk Management and Assessment “Software as a Service” (SaaS) to suit your needs. Automation simplifies and automates many of the tasks associated with the Supplier Risk Management and Assessment process, including evidence collection, evidence risk analysis, email notifications, and scheduling.

DVV Solutions offer security, compliance, and risk management professionals a platform to manage and automate the supplier risk assessment process.

We enable organisations to evaluate suppliers based on supplier tiers determined by their importance or potential risk to the organisation.

Your platform will also includes a supplier and risk tier structure for the organisation, a standardised assessment workflow, Shared Assessment content, evidence collection, risk scoring, and reporting.

Why Customers choose Assessment Automation

  • Simplification – enables greater efficiency in the management of high volume of supplier risk assessments
  • Automation – creates a standardised, consistent process for assessments and risk management managed through a simple user interface
  • Scalability – increases the number of supplier risk assessments your organisation manages and improves response rates from suppliers with the same or less resources
  • Compliance – establishes best-practice processes and assessments to meet industry and regulatory requirements

Industry standard content from Shared Assessments

DVV Solutions actively promotes the use of  Shared Assessments Program’s licenced Standardised Information Gathering (SIG and SIG Lite) questionnaires.

The Shared Assessments Program was created by leading financial institutions, the “Big Four” accounting firms, and key suppliers, to inject standardisation, consistency, speed, efficiency and cost savings into the Third Party risk assessment process.

Integrate Continuous Monitoring and Security Ratings

Trust, but verify your supplier’s security controls with Continuous Monitoring and Security Ratings integrations.

We can also ensure secure integration of your chosen monitoring and ratings service (including BitSight, RapidRatings and SecurityScorecard) to provide a complete picture of Third-Party risk in once central interface.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Simplifies and automated Supplier Risk Assessment and program management
  • Organises relevant supplier risk information in a single location
  • Tiers suppliers based on data risk and organisational importance
  • Leverages Shared Assessments SIG content for controls based assessment
  • Evaluates risk across multiple evidence sources
  • Creates risk scoring per supplier against your standard
  • Schedules regular supplier risk assessment based on your requirements
  • Easy to use wizards for creating new suppliers and relationships
  • Leverages Variable Scoping to assess suppliers, software, and/or services type within a single assessment
  • DirectLink or manual upload of continuous monitoring and security ratings
  • Open architecture allows two-way integration of supplier risk assessment and risk information and existing GRC systems
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Why choose us?

We are specialists in Third Party Risk Management with over 20 years of experience in Cyber Security and Governance, Risk & Compliance and a dedicated team of experienced IT Security Assurance Consultants.
We are a vendor agnostic, managed service provider that is able to focus on delivering a TPRM program built around your specific risk-based, organisational and regulatory requirements.
We are a Shared Assessments Program member and recognised Assessment Firm with certified IT Security Assurance Consultants able to deliver a comprehensive service based on industry standards and best practice.