Third Party Risk Management - Consultancy, Assessment & Advisory

Download your copy of Supply Wisdom’s Third-Party Risk Management eBook

SW Risk Officer's Guide to Continuous TPRM cover ESG risk

Faced with increasing disruption risks from more sources in more locations, CROs are urgently exploring new strategies and technologies to mitigate third-party risk and ensure resiliency. 

The Risk Officer’s Precise Guide to Accelerating Full-Stack Continuous Third-Party Risk Management eBook addresses this pressure on risk management executives, specifically:

Problem: Legacy based TPRM practices are unable to effectively mitigate today’s risks of disruption

Cause: Current risk practices and models are periodic, point-in-time, outdated and ineffective

Solution: Data science, continuous intelligence, automation and new thinking set the new standard in risk management

Download your copy of Supply Wisdom’s Third-Party Risk Management eBook

Register for your free copy now to learn how leading CROs are approaching the need to modernise their risk management, including:

> How to overcome outdated risk practices,

> The business case for a new model for TPRM,

> The ROI on full-stack continuous risk management, and

> 7 Disciplines to build a risk resilient organisation