Faced with increasing disruption risks from more sources in more locations, CROs are urgently exploring new strategies and technologies to mitigate third-party risk and ensure resiliency.
The Risk Officer’s Precise Guide to Accelerating Full-Stack Continuous Third-Party Risk Management eBook addresses this pressure on risk management executives, specifically:
Problem: Legacy based TPRM practices are unable to effectively mitigate today’s risks of disruption
Cause: Current risk practices and models are periodic, point-in-time, outdated and ineffective
Solution: Data science, continuous intelligence, automation and new thinking set the new standard in risk management
Download your copy of Supply Wisdom’s Third-Party Risk Management eBook
Register for your free copy now to learn how leading CROs are approaching the need to modernise their risk management, including:
> How to overcome outdated risk practices,
> The business case for a new model for TPRM,
> The ROI on full-stack continuous risk management, and
> 7 Disciplines to build a risk resilient organisation