Third Party Risk Management - Consultancy, Assessment & Advisory

Portfolio Cyber Risk Management for Investors

Protecting your investment capital through efficient and responsive cyber risk management

Cybersecurity has emerged as a key risk factor in any investment opportunity, yet it is often overlooked.

Cyber Risk Management for Investors effectively identifies cybersecurity issues throughout the investment process, providing expertise to assess, quantify, and mitigate cyber risks associated with a potential transaction or an investment portfolio.

Services scale from evaluating an investment to ongoing portfolio monitoring, to help you manage cyber risk and ensure issues are rectified.

Investment Portfolio Cyber Risk Assessment

DVV Solutions can help identify and prioritise cyber risks within your portfolio to ensure your enterprise security standards are met. We help:

  • Triage top priorities for further cyber assessment/remediation actions
  • Make selected remediation recommendations to mitigate critical vulnerabilities and compromises

Investment Portfolio Cyber Risk Monitoring

DVV Solutions can provide ongoing monitoring across your investment portfolio to help identify and mitigate cyber risk. This includes:

  • Continuous curation of external cyber risk score
  • Material increase in cyber risk score triggers alerts
  • Materiality thresholds set by the client based on risk tolerance
  • Alerts investigated by cybersecurity experts
  • Notifications and interactions with the client and/or portfolio company pursuant to Service Level Agreement

New Investment Due Diligence

DVV Solutions can provide independent security risk assessments on your investment targets throughout the acquisition lifecycle. This external “hacker’s view” of security posture delivers essential identification of potential security and investment risks during screening or prior to engaging a target.

  • Know whether or not a major cyber risk issue is likely
  • Receive recommendations, if needed, of the steps to take in the diligence process to further assess and mitigate the risk
  • Gain insights quickly to aid a robust evaluation of targets

More rigorous cybersecurity and regulatory compliance surveys and onsite verifications are also available to aid a full process of cyber due diligence right through to post-signing / acquisition.

Fully Managed Cyber Risk Reporting & Remediation

While customised dashboard provide real-time insights, our complete end-to-end cyber risk managed service ensures you are

FULLY INFORMED about the cyber risks within your ENTIRE portfolio.

GUIDED on WHAT threats need to be mitigated and HOW to do it.

SURE that what is needed gets DONE.

Ready to start?

Contact Us to start making more informed, risk-based decisions and protect your investment portfolio from cybersecurity threats.

Call today 0161 476 8700

or Submit a Contact Form

Why choose us?

We are specialists in Third Party Risk Management with over 20 years of experience in Cyber Security and Governance, Risk & Compliance and a dedicated team of experienced IT Security Assurance Consultants.
We are a vendor agnostic, managed service provider that is able to focus on delivering a TPRM program built around your specific risk-based, organisational and regulatory requirements.
We are a Shared Assessments Program member and recognised Assessment Firm with certified IT Security Assurance Consultants able to deliver a comprehensive service based on industry standards and best practice.